Erica Stocker - McDermott+


Erica Stocker is a skilled policy and advocacy professional who has more than 20 years of experience in Washington, DC — including nearly 10 years working on Capitol Hill in health policy and office leadership roles, and more than a decade as a government relations professional and registered lobbyist.

Erica helps clients develop and advance successful federal advocacy strategies, craft tailored advocacy materials and legislative communications, analyze federal legislation and regulations, oversee and execute multi-person Capitol Hill fly-ins and guide clients with respect to Lobbying Disclosure Act compliance.

Earlier in her career, Erica served as legislative assistant and deputy chief of staff to former Congressman Jim Saxton (R-NJ). In these roles, she advised the Congressman on matters related to health care and education policy, worked closely with congressional offices on both sides of the aisle, drafted federal legislation, tracked major legislative proposals, and managed the activities of a bipartisan congressional caucus.