Mara McDermott Discusses Direct Provider Contracting - McDermott+

Mara McDermott Discusses Direct Provider Contracting

McDermottPlus Vice President Mara McDermott joins the Healthcare Policy Podcast for a conversation on the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ Direct Provider Contracting.
McDermottPlus Vice President Mara McDermott joins the Healthcare Policy Podcast for a conversation on the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ Direct Provider Contracting.

Listen to the podcast here.

Episode description:

This past week public comments were due in response to a CMS Request for Proposal (RFI) that would potentially lead to the agency fielding a Medicare a direct primary care (DPC) demonstration.  The demo would pay Medicare physicians directly a predetermined fixed per-beneficiary-per-month fee to provide primary care services to participating beneficiaries.  The demo would try to replicate private, commercial DPC contracts physicians have with individuals or through self-insured employers.

During this 27 minute conversation Ms. McDermott discusses, in part, both the potential positives and pitfalls should CMS field a DPC demonstration, whether the model would qualify as an Alternative Payment Model (APM) and whether fielding a DPC model would move the Medicare program closer to premium support.