Omnibus Spending Package Extends Select Telehealth Flexibilities - McDermott+

Omnibus Spending Package Extends Select Telehealth Flexibilities

Telehealth Policy Update: Omnibus Spending Package Extends Select Telehealth Flexibilities

The $1.5 trillion omnibus spending package, passed by the House on March 9, 2022, by the Senate on March 10, 2022, and signed into law by the President on March 15, 2022, extends certain telehealth flexibilities related to the public health emergency (PHE) for 151 days (approximately five months) after the PHE ends.

The charts in our report outline key omnibus telehealth provisions within their broader telehealth policy context and telehealth flexibilities not addressed in the bill that would require further congressional action to be extended or made permanent. For a detailed list of PHE-related telehealth flexibilities, see our previous analysis.