New York 1115 Waiver Amendment Timeline for Medicaid Hospital Global Budget Initiative - McDermott+

New York 1115 Waiver Amendment Timeline for Medicaid Hospital Global Budget Initiative

The New York Medicaid 1115 Waiver amendment introduces the Medicaid Hospital Global Budget Initiative (GBI), closely aligned with the States Advancing All-Payer Health Equity Approaches and Development (AHEAD) model.

The New York waiver aims to provide financial stability to certain downstate hospitals serving a high percentage of Medicaid beneficiaries, while driving delivery reform for accountability and health equity. The GBI functions by providing hospitals with a global revenue budget for specific services, ensuring a certain amount of revenue and, in theory, providing a degree of financial stability. In addition, participating hospitals will receive financial support over the next three years, aggregating to approximately $2.2 billion, if requirements are met.

This article summarizes these requirements for the state and the participating hospitals.


For more information, please contact Katie Waldo or Dale C. Van Demark (McDermott Will & Emery – Partner).