GAO Report Reviews Medicare’s ICD-10 Preparation Efforts - McDermott+

GAO Report Reviews Medicare’s ICD-10 Preparation Efforts

On September 17, 2015 the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report on Medicare’s ICD-10 preparation efforts. The GAO found that CMS has finished implementing the Medicare claims processing system changes that it determined to be necessary for addressing the October 1, 2015, transition to ICD-10. In general, GAO found that CMS tested and validated system changes and took actions to minimize the impact of system error. The GAO also found that CMS provided technical support to help stakeholders update systems to process ICD-10 claims data. GAO reported that CMS developed and provided guidance and tools for making system changes and provided stakeholders additional opportunities for testing their ICD-10 system changes.

The full report is available here.