Piper Su Talks Election-Related Health Care Issued with Managed Healthcare Executive - McDermott+Consulting

Piper Su Talks Election-Related Health Care Issued with Managed Healthcare Executive

Piper Su provides additional election-related health care insights to Managed Healthcare Executive.

During a recent webinar from McDermott Will & Emery and McDermott+Consulting, experts further discussed what may be in the pipeline with Trump’s health policy agenda. In addition to the complete repeal of the ACA, other policy statements president-elect Trump has talked about are derived from traditional Republican proposals, according to Ankur J. Goel, partner at McDermott Will & Emery … “There hasn’t been a lot of discussion and focus on healthcare in the campaign or a lot of details,” says Goel. “ACA repeal/replace was a Congressional Republican cornerstone, so there will be lots of pressure to move quickly.”


The timeline is one of the biggest looming questions, agrees Piper Su, vice president, McDermott+Consulting. “There’s tremendous pressure to do something at the beginning of the year that looks like repeal but how robust that necessarily has to be is open for debate,” Su says. “Even if they do repeal, they will try to build in a transition period to ease disruption.”

The full article can be read here.