The First 100 Days: Biden's Healthcare Outlook - McDermott+

The First 100 Days: Biden’s Healthcare Outlook

Tomorrow, January 20th, 2021, Joe Biden will be sworn in as the 46th President of the United States. The Administration has indicated its intent to hit the ground running in the first 100 days to implement major policy changes, particularly in healthcare. With narrow margins in the Democratically controlled House of Representatives and Senate, there is less opportunity for major progressive changes. However, there will be opportunities to use reconciliation and administrative action to advance policies. In this document we review the likely healthcare policy reforms and actions of the Biden Administration, and the implications of the 117th Congress on the Biden Administration’s first 100 days.

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For more information, contact Meg Gilley, Sheila Madhani, Mara McDermott, Kristen O’BrienRachel Stauffer, Katie Waldo, Rodney Whitlock or Eric Zimmerman.