Slide Deck Summarizing the 2018 Proposed Medicare Physician Payment Update - McDermott+

Slide Deck Summarizing the 2018 Proposed Medicare Physician Payment Update

The Medicare Physician Fee Schedule is scheduled to be published in the Federal Register today, July 21, 2017. Comments will be accepted until September 11, 2017.

The CY 2018 Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule includes proposed payment rates and policy changes for CY 2018. CMS is also seeking comments on reducing administrative burdens and increasing program efficiency. This presentation is a guide to understanding the major components of this complex Proposed Rule in a brief and easily understandable format.


Read more here.


Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Resources

McDermottPlus offers a variety of other resources to better help you assess the impact of the 2018 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule. For additional information and details, please contact Jennifer Randles via e-mail or at (202) 204-1461.