5 Things You Need to Know About Medicare’s New Voluntary Bundled Payment Model - McDermott+

5 Things You Need to Know About Medicare’s New Voluntary Bundled Payment Model

On January 9, 2018, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (Innovation Center) announced a new voluntary episode payment model, Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Advanced (BPCI Advanced). Building upon the original BPCI Initiative that was launched in 2013, BPCI Advanced will test bundled payments for 32 clinical episodes. CMS indicated that evaluations of the previous BPCI model helped to inform this new iteration, which is also aimed at generating savings and improving quality and will link payments across all health care providers during an episode of care. The model includes incentives to encourage care coordination, eliminate unnecessary care and reduce readmissions.

Helpful Resources

  • Model Overview is available here.
  • Press Release is available here.
  • General Frequently Asked Questions is available here.
  • Registration for Open Door Forum on the BPCI Advanced Model (January 30, 2018) is available here.

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