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M+ Healthcare Preview: January 13, 2020

With the Senate Focusing on Impeachment, There Will Be Limited Movement on Other Priorities.

  • Impeachment and the Senate Calendar. This week, the House will begin the process to appoint impeac...

    M+ Healthcare Preview: January 6, 2020

    Welcome Back!

    • Recap of Where We Left Off. The last few weeks of 2019 were busy in the world of healthcare policy. Congress funded the healthcare extenders until May 22, 2020 in the year-end sp...

      M+ Healthcare Preview: December 09, 2019

      Never a Dull Moment in Healthcare.

      • All the Major Healthcare Proposals are in Play, But Assembly is Still Required. Late last week, the Senate Finance Committee released a bipartisan and update...

        M+ Healthcare Preview: December 02, 2019

        Welcome Back from Thanksgiving!

        • Congress Has Three Weeks Left to Achieve Massive Cooperation and Compromise. The House has an ambitious agenda for the next three weeks: 1) pass H.R. 3, the Pe...

          M+ Healthcare Preview: November 18, 2019

          Last Week to Address Government Funding and the Extenders.  

          • November 21st is Here. This week, Congress has to fund the government to prevent a shutdown and address the healthcare ...

            M+ Healthcare Preview: November 11, 2019

            Two Weeks to Address Government Funding and the Extenders.   The House Will Not Vote on H.R. 3, The Lower Drug Costs Now Act, This Week. The House has returned from its one week recess but will not be ...

            M+ Healthcare Preview: November 4, 2019

            The House Is in Recess, Calendar Crunch Looms. The Calendar Creates a Tight Window to Advance Key Policy Priorities. The House is in recess this week, but when they return on November 12, there will be...

            M+ Healthcare Preview: October 28, 2019

            A House Vote on Prescription Drug Pricing Reforms Slips as We Approach a One Week Recess in the House. House Vote on Prescription Drug Pricing Slips. The House was moving lightning fast to advance H.R....

            M+ Healthcare Preview: October 14, 2019

            Congress is back for a six week stretch.   What Will Congress Get Done in the Next Six Weeks? The next six weeks are critical for moving healthcare legislation and funding the government. The Senate is in sess...

            M+ Health Care Preview: September 9, 2019

            They’re Back….  Congress Is Back in Session. The first thing on Congress’ to-do list is to address government funding. With only three weeks to fund the government before a potential shutdown, Congress n...

            M+ Health Care Preview: September 3, 2019

            Welcome to September!  What Does The Rest of the Year Have in Store for us? Prior to the August recess, there was significant movement in Congress to advance health care proposals. As a reminder, the proposals...

            M+ Health Care Preview: July 29, 2019

            One chamber down. One to go before the August recess. What Will the Senate Do During Its Last Week in Session? It is likely the Senate will focus on issues outside of health care this week, so the health care community c...

            M+ Health Care Preview: July 22, 2019

            This is the last scheduled week the House is in session and the second to last week the Senate is in session before the August recess.  What will get done? Mark-Up of the Senate Finance Committee’s Prescription Drug Package This Week?...

            M+ Health Care Preview: July 15, 2019

            We head into another critical week before August recess. What’s Left of the Administration’s Prescription Drug Pricing Proposals? Last week was a difficult week for the Administration regarding its drug pricing agenda. First...

            M+ Health Care Preview: July 8, 2019

            They’re back…and heading into the final weeks before the August recess. What Can Get Done? That’s the key question as we enter into the next four weeks. Congress has been very busy leading up to this stretch, and what gets...

            M+ Health Care Preview: June 24, 2019

            The last week before recess is shaping up to be a busy one. All Eyes on the Administration. The Administration is expected to release a transparency executive order as early as today. This executive order is rumored to direct ag...

            M+ Health Care Preview: June 17, 2019

            Two weeks down. Two weeks to go. All Eyes Watching the Senate HELP Committee. This week, the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee will have a hearing on the Lower Health Care Costs Act. The Lower Health...

            M+ Health Care Preview: June 10, 2019

            Where do we stand with only three weeks until the July 4th break? The Focus is Back on Surprise Billing. Surprise billing will not be going away any time soon. In fact, with the Congressional Budget O...

            M+ Health Care Preview: June 3, 2019

            And they’re back. Today, Congress starts a four-week legislative session, and it’s going to be a busy one. In fact, the next four weeks are key for the opportunity for Congress to produce. The Senate Finance...

            M+ Health Care Preview: May 20, 2019

            Buckle up. It’s a busy week right before recess. It is widely rumored that a cost containment package will be released this week. And the key question is: what’s in it? La...

            M+ Health Care Preview: May 13, 2019

            We are half way through this four week work stretch… And the conversations continue to point to prescription drug pricing. Last week was a busy week on prescription drug pr...

            M+ Health Care Preview: May 6

            Where are we on prescription drug pricing reforms? There has been a lot of congressional activity on prescription drug pricing. Since the beginning of the 116th Co...

            M+ Health Care Preview

            They’re back… Congress is back from recess and now heads into a four week work stretch. The next four weeks will be important to watch for progress on legislation. A numbe...