M+ Healthcare Preview: Week of July 19 - McDermott+

M+ Healthcare Preview: Week of July 19


The clock is ticking on the legislative calendar and the pressure is starting to grow in the Senate. Majority Leader Schumer has two major bills under construction in the upper chamber, but neither seem quite ready to move to the Senate floor. So this week, the Leader is trying to force action. Leader Schumer is expected to start the clock for a cloture vote on the bipartisan infrastructure package that could see a test vote as early as Wednesday. He is also pushing Democrats to come to agreement on the partisan budget resolution with reconciliation instructions before the end of the week.


The Leader is playing a high stakes political game trying to cause action. If he is able to cause agreements to move forward on one or both bills this week, he’s having a great week. If he can at least show a pathway forward on either bill, he’s having a good week. But if the week ends with no progress on either bill and senators of his own party rejecting his approach, he’s having quite a bad week. Nobody said being the Leader of the Senate was an easy job.


The House begins a two-week stretch before heading out for the August recess. Currently, there are no votes scheduled in the House between July 30 and September 20. While that might seem like a lot of time with so much going on, we have to remember what the role of the House is at this particular juncture. The House is working to move appropriations bills and will likely do so in the next two weeks. It is not the job of the House to help the Senate function more effectively. So the House will get its job done and wait on the Senate.

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