Healthcare Preview for the Week of: June 17, 2024 - McDermott+

Healthcare Preview for the Week of: June 17, 2024

The Clock Is Ticking

The House is in recess this week, while the Senate is in today, tomorrow and Thursday. With this being a short work week, there is limited committee activity. However, the Senate Finance Committee is holding a hearing on disability benefits, and the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee is holding a hearing on the origins of COVID-19.

It is important to recognize the limited time that is left for Congress to advance the legislative process prior to leaving for the August recess.

Next week has the House in Washington working, but the Senate will be in recess. The following week we have the July 4 recess, then a week when both the House and Senate will be in session. Next there is the Republican convention the week of July 15, after which there are two work weeks remaining in July before Congress leaves for the August recess. Following the August recess, we expect Congress to focus on a continuing resolution to fund the government through the election. We are entering the eye of election season, and that will take precedence to legislating.

Also of note, the Supreme Court of the United States is expected to issue decisions in many key cases, including important cases in the health arena, with Chevron deference and the Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act at the top of that list. We are keeping a close eye on those decisions.

Today’s Podcast

Debbie Curtis and Rodney Whitlock join Priya Rathakrishnan to discuss Congress’ dwindling time in session before August recess and what key actions to expect. They also discuss upcoming expected Supreme Court rulings.