Adaeze Enekwechi Contributes to New NAM Special Report Underscoring the Importance of Health Services Research - McDermott+Consulting

Adaeze Enekwechi Contributes to New NAM Special Report Underscoring the Importance of Health Services Research

In this special report the National Academy of Medicine outlines significant opportunity and challenges facing health care in the United State. The Academy says that health services research can assist in solving these challenges, but the field requires sustained and dependable federal funding.
McDermottPlus’ Dr. Adaeze Enekwechi lent her time and considerable experience in health outcomes research to the creation of this special report and the workshop from which it draws many of its conclusions. Drawing on her background in health research to work with the National Academy of Medicine (NAM), Adaeze served on the steering committee and as a moderator during workshop discussion, culminating in a report that highlights the importance of health services research on health care policy and making the case for dedicated federal funding.

NAM, together with AcademyHealth convened a workshop in February 2018 to explore ideas around this very topic. Centered on discussions from the workshop , the special publication describes the significant impact that health services research has had on health care quality, access, and value as well as future priorities for the field. Increased and sustained federal and nonfederal funding is required to support the priorities identified over the course of the workshop.

Download the special publication and associated resources: