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Tag: Healthcare Preview

Healthcare Preview for the Week Of: August 1, 2022

Democrats Moving Forward With Reconciliation

Senate Majority Leader Schumer aims to pass the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 this week. However, that vote may slip into next week. The Senate parliamentarian is still reviewi...

Healthcare Preview for the Week Of: July 25, 2022


The crunch is on to pass the reconciliation package in the Senate. Majority Leader Schumer wants to pass the reconciliation package that will focus on prescription drug pricing reform and exte...

Healthcare Preview for the Week of: April 4, 2022

Becerra to Congress and COVID-19 Funding

Secretary Becerra Testifies on the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Budget. After the President’s fiscal year 2023 budget release, Department Secretaries testify before commi...

Healthcare Preview for the Week of: March 28, 2022

Budget Day

Today the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) will release the FY 2023 Budget Request. The budget will outline the administration's policy priorities for the year ahead. It has been messaged that the budget will inclu...

Healthcare Preview for the Week of: March 14, 2022

What Happened to COVID-19 Funding?

Last week, the House and Senate passed a $1.5 trillion omnibus spending bill (HR 2741) to fund the government through September 30, 2022. The package ultimately omitted the proposed $15.6 billion for CO...

Healthcare Preview for the Week of: March 7, 2022

The Clock Is Running Out to Fund the Government

Congress needs to fund the government by Friday, March 11, 2022, to avoid a government shutdown. House and Senate appropriators have reached consensus on topline funding numbers, but...

Healthcare Preview for the Week of: February 28, 2022

It’s State of the Union Week.

Both the House and Senate are back in session this week, and President Biden is set to give his State of the Union address tomorrow night. His speech will undoubtedly focus on a range of pressing topics—for...