H.R. 3 Archives - McDermott+

Tag: H.R. 3

M+ Healthcare Preview: December 09, 2019

Never a Dull Moment in Healthcare.

  • All the Major Healthcare Proposals are in Play, But Assembly is Still Required. Late last week, the Senate Finance Committee released a bipartisan and update...

    M+ Check-Up: December 06, 2019

    This Week’s Dose: Congress is back in town with just two weeks to address government funding and many healthcare issues. More proposals are emerging on drug pricing and surprise billing, and ...

    M+ Healthcare Preview: December 02, 2019

    Welcome Back from Thanksgiving!

    • Congress Has Three Weeks Left to Achieve Massive Cooperation and Compromise. The House has an ambitious agenda for the next three weeks: 1) pass H.R. 3, the Pe...

      M+ Healthcare Preview: November 11, 2019

      Two Weeks to Address Government Funding and the Extenders.   The House Will Not Vote on H.R. 3, The Lower Drug Costs Now Act, This Week. The House has returned from its one week recess but will not be ...