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M+ Check-Up: November 22, 2019

This Week’s Dose: Impeachment continued to dominate the news, Congress averted a government shutdown, and federal vaping regulation stalled. Congress

M+ Healthcare Preview: November 18, 2019

Last Week to Address Government Funding and the Extenders.  

  • November 21st is Here. This week, Congress has to fund the government to prevent a shutdown and address the healthcare ...

    M+ Check-Up: November 15, 2019

    This Week’s Dose: Government funding negotiations continued against the backdrop of impeachment, and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued new rules on provider price tr...

    M+ Healthcare Preview: November 11, 2019

    Two Weeks to Address Government Funding and the Extenders.   The House Will Not Vote on H.R. 3, The Lower Drug Costs Now Act, This Week. The House has returned from its one week recess but will not be ...